Why Some Sales Managers Fail To Motivate Their Team

Feb 26

Why Some Sales Managers Fail To Motivate Their Team

Across the nation thousands of companies have associates in Sales leadership positions called, “Sales Manager’s.”  Ideally, the role of the Sales Manger is to support their Sales Teams by building the sales skills of their associates through training, coaching and observation.  Sales Managers act as communicators for the parent company’s Sales Strategies to assist the growth and production numbers of their company Sales Force. Also, the Sales Mangers are in place to monitor the day to day compliance of the Sales Office, and to see that the team is doing its very best to meet all the workplace expectations of the company.  Obviously, the Sales Manager position is not an easy job, and a job with many moving parts that require strong leadership and coaching skills.

The Sales Industry could not exist without good Sales Managers, they are the front line of corporate Sales forces, and they are the pivotal leaders where the Sales Organization touches the customer. The better the Sales Manager is, the better the Sales Goats directed by them will do.

In a utopia the Sales Mangers would increase the Sales Numbers of their flock of Sales Goats, and thereby increasing the bottom line revenue for the Sales Office, and the bottom line revenue of their Sales Goat’s income, and the company’s profit.

Sadly, some Sales Managers do not, or are not allowed by their many other duties, to be much good at building and coaching successful skills for their Sales Goat’s. Instead they become, or have been promoted because they already are, “Cheerleaders”, of the the flavor of the day of their corporation’s agenda. Often without Sales Support Skills themselves, they are lost in trying to communicate on a Sales Level with Sales Goats.   These type of Sales Managers manage Sales Growth by bullying their sales teams with stacks of sales Numbers always just outside their Sale’s Goats reach. The old “Shell” game. Another favorite trick is to focus on weak sales numbers, rather than the positive numbers, prefering to humiliate and scare Sales Goats rather than motivating them. Sales Goats just shake their heads in wonder..where do they find these, Cheerleaders? In Happy Hell? Finally, this type Sales Manager spends all their waking moments demanding and ordering that the Sales Goats accept any and all lunacies that upper management is trying to incorporate into the company’s sales culture this week!

Instead of being a Support system for their Sales Team these type Sales Manager’s support policy over people, and procedures over customers, and they can have a negative impact on the Sales team morale, and the Sales effectiveness of the Sales Goats.

This type of Sales Manager has one behavior in particular that is detrimental to Sales Production in certain circumstances involving Sales manager’s commission. Often the worst behaviors come from the Sales Manager trying to build their own income out of directing the unit production for their personal gain. They ignore the sentiments of their Sales Team, or the needs of their customers, and drive for results that serve their own agenda, regardless of the impact on their team. This type of Sales Manger is always fatal to their Sales Office, and over time, their company and customers.

The simple rule is that good Sales Managers retain their Sales Goats and grow their Sales Numbers. Their Sales Teams support the Sales Manager’s leadership based on their belief in their Sales Manager’s vision. The Sales Goats are productive under the leadership of Sales Managers who can lead them to an effective Sales Marketing Vision. A Sales Manager with leadership skills and a market vision is the most vauable asset a company or a Sales Goat can have.

How do you rate your Sales Manager? Do they have a vision? Are thry good leaders? How would you rate your current Sales Manager? Ask Uncle Billy how to better manage the work you do with your current Sales Manager.