Turning Thoughts Into Money
Feb 22

Sales Goats are lucky to be part of a profession that can be enhanced financially by reading and thinking. Smart Sales Goats are always publishing books with great insights and practical ideas that can enhance your financial picture. These ideas will literally translate into thousands of dollars of increased income for the smart Sales Goats who take the time read and incorporate them into their sales approach.
Time is money and ideas are money and as a smart Sales Goat you should spend some time improving your sales ideas. Sales Goats can do this by browsing at the bookstore or online at sites like Amazon.
Plug in the word “Sales” and then follow it with one of your sales concerns. Dozens of books will pop up with ideas on the subject. Books full of experience and knowledge. Take a few moments and pick out a book that looks interesting to you and buy it. It could be the best investment in yourself that you will ever make!
Ask Uncle Billy about some great sales books by great Sales Goats!