There Is An “I” In The Mortgage Team
Feb 25

There are many observations about the importance of teamwork on the job and in life, but in the new milenia the concept of Teamwork is undergoing vast enhancements stretching beyond the traditional conceptions to the world wide internet and social networking. In the workplace, Teamwork, is often used to mean letting go of the “I”, as in the old phrase, there is no “I” in team. Associates are encouraged to let go of the desire to promote themselves shamelessly, and work toward promoting the whole team shamelessly. Generally this is a good thought and a good idea, and nobody would argue with it.
For the Mortgage Loan Officer the idea of, “Teamwork”, is all about the back-end of the transaction and all about the support the team will provide at the end of the day. That said, there is still plenty of, “I”, for the loan officer in the hunt for the loan, and the one on one Sales discussion with the Realtor and Borrower. The more successful Loan Officers will couch their conversation with both the Realtor and the Borrower around the Mortgage Transaction as a team effort and, of course, they mean it. But in that moment, that moment when they are convincing and closing the Realtor and Borrower to hand them the transaction, the Loan Officer is horribly alone and on their own. The Sale has come down to the Close and at that moment all Sales Goats are alone, and on their own.
The Team, and Teamwork, are what the Loan Officer comes from, and brings the loan back to, but in the final analysis, at that moment when the Realtor and Borrower must be closed the Loan Officer is on their own and the work for the whole team comes down to the, “I”, in Team. The Mortgage Loan Officer.
Ask Dr. Billy about other myths of the Mortgage.