Super Bowl Sunday-Sales Goat Extavaganza
Feb 06

There can be no doubt that Super Bowl Sunday is culmination of the greatest Sales Goat week in American sport! The National Football League and their sponsors, and every other Sales Goat who can tag their products on to the Super Bowl’s coat tails, are trying to sell us everything they want us to buy, whether we want to buy it or not! The greatest and oldest game of all time is on....sales and selling is alive and well in Dallas and on our TV screens all over the country! It’s impossible to have any Sales Goat blood in your veins and not feel the surge of excitement rising toward picking the winning team and watching the game. But what is the real game? On the surface it is a contest between the two best rivals in football for the Lombardi Trophy, but Sales Goats we know that is only the draw, it is not the real game1
The real game, Sales Goats, is the sales advertising packed into the middle of the football game, like the sausage, pepperoni, and mushrooms on our Super Bowl pizzas! The Super Bowl is about super selling products, introducing new products, and about trying to capture the hearts and minds of the millions of consumers who are watching, to get to some share of their pocket books. Yes, it is all about share of consumer wallet, and the larger the venue the more it is about a bigger share of the consumer wallet, and not the venue itself. So, Sales Goats, we know Coke and Pepsi, Geico and State Farm, Bud and Miller Light, will be out there using the Super Bowl as a sales tool…but how about you? Did you take advantage of the event to do some free Sales Goat marketing for your own personal brand?
Well, if you haven’t been doing your 2011 Super Bowl marketing for the last couple of weeks then you missed this year, but there is always the next one. The idea is to target your yearly marketing strategy to repeating, sustainable events, usually one event per quarter. This quarterly, or bi-yearly approach, should be part of your yearly marketing strategy and the building your own personal Sales Goat brand. Maybe it isn’t the Super Bowl, maybe it’s the ASPCA, maybe it’s the marches to support the Pink Ribbon, but whatever it is, you can and should include your passion in your personal brand. The idea of including more of your passion in your yearly/quarterly marketing campaigns makes it more interesting for you and for your data base. Also, the idea of quarterly marketing events supplements your normal sales efforts, and helps you increase sales with a sustainable yearly program. As Sales Goats we know that sales is more about emotion than logic, but you are a real winner if you try and get both of these thought processes involved in your marketing campaigns each time! Remember, at the end of today’s one football team will win the Lombardi Trophy, and one football will lose the game, but sales and advertising will win the day! Sales Goats, let’s put these super studded events to work for us, and give ourself a raise!
Ask Dr. Billy about yearly, sustainable marketing programs to build your personal brand and increase your yearly sales. (And remember, always clear all marketing strategies with your manager…even if your manager is you!)