Sales Goat Survival…The Two Steps To Success!
Mar 10

Whatever you sell, and wherever you sell it, you will face times when you numbers begin to drop. It may have something to do with your market opportunities or with market trends, or it may have something to do with your style or changing styles, or the arc of the value of your product. Regardless, you will face adversity and you will have to make a decision about how you plan on handling and defeating your slump. What are you going to do to turn the slump around?
Sales Goats generally are a tough group, but even resilient Sales Goats will have slow days that can turn into slow weeks. These long periods of drought can become quite scary and cause us deep concern. The fear that all is lost and that the best is behind you can be your worst enemy and begin to cloud your judgement. Fear of failure can weigh down your future and cause you to miss the many opportunities that present themselves in life every single day. Fear of Failure can even cause Call Reluctance which is fatal to a Sales Goat. So what should you do when you are lost and in free fall?
The answer is the old Sales Goat Two Step. Step One. You breath and say to yourself , “This Slump stops here!” You get up every freaking morning and say the Sales Goat prayer: “This is my day! This day is full of Sales opportunities and I’m going grasp them and make them mine.” Then, before you can think of one of your many problems, or before any negative thought kicks down the door of your mind, or before your significant other can tell you how far behind you are in the bills, just stop, breath, and relax. Clear your mind and sit down with a piece of paper and write down the Two extra Steps that you know you know in your heart you should take that day. Don’t worry, if you haven’t upset your mind, the two steps will flow right out of your brain, to your hand, and to the sheet of paper like the river flows to the sea. It will all happen organically. Your mind will know exactly what you need to do and you will write the steps down in order of the importance of getting them done. Also, if your mind wants to write down more than two steps, let it go. Your mind knows what it is doing and it would only mean you have more than two extra steps to take. Your quiet brain is your leader and coach and it knows what you need to do to win!
Step Two. Stay positive and believe. Believe in yourself and believe your process. We are not always entitled to everything we want all the time, right when we want it. There are cycles to our Sales life just as there are to all activities. Reflect quietly on how to implement the Two Steps, (or more) you have written down into your daily plan. Then proceed forward to the corrected path and watch the Sales miracles that happen. The intuitive side of your brain will get stronger the longer you do the exercise, but usually before you’ve done the Two Step for more than a few days, things will naturally right themselves, and you will forget about doing the morning writing. You will be back on track and your slump will have slumped away.
Once you learn the secret, just pull out the The Sales Goat Two Step Trick any time you feel things slipping.
Don’t laugh! Try it and see! Write to Uncle Billy and tell him about your Two Steps back to Success!