Sales Goals Are Meant To Be Exciting
Feb 16

One of the most misunderstood concepts in the Sales Goat world is the concept of, “Goal Setting”. For a Sales Goat, “Goal Setting”, is meant to be an exciting opportunity and part of the formation of a path to sales success and great financial achievement. However, in the real world of , “Sales Goat Goal Setting”, weak Sales Managers, and distant upper manager’s, use Sales Goal Setting, and very often excessive Sales Goals, as a way to beat their sales teams down rather than encourage them forward to greater success. For example, giving all your Sales Goats the same monthly goal is obviously going to fail. The better sales goats will beat the average easily, and the weaker sales goats will not succeed and will give up trying to meet the goal. So what have you created with minimum sales standards that are set to averages? You create mediocrity at all levels. The sales companies that rely on goal setting averages waste huge sums rolling over sales staff, and in endless recruiting for Sales Goats that are already exceeding the minimums at other companies and usually have no desire to be recruited.
In discussions with most great Sales Goats you will find that they were fired from their first sales jobs because the first company expected them to grow into strong sales goats, who could meet the company sales quota minimums, too quickly. They are forced out of their first company, that made the original investment in them, and they tend grow into maturity at the next company who hires them. Oddly enough, Sales Goat’s who are going to make it usually succeed at the next company. This is because of the extra time and training the newly recruited Sales Goats get in the sales position at the next company, and maybe because, after failing once the Sales Goat becomes more determined. So what is the best answer for sales teams that want to develop strong Sales Goats?
Sales Goats should set their weekly and monthly goals with their on sight Sales Manager and share with one another the success or failure of their goal setting. This individual sales goal setting should be quite personal, and should rely on the time honored basics of daily coaching and weekly assessments. The sales goals that are set by the sales manager and the sales goat should be exciting and should be achievable. Success grows success as failure grows failure.
If you are not excited by your sales manager’s Goal Setting or your companies Goal Setting activities write to Uncle Billy and let me know why? Achieving our, “Goals”, and Setting Sales Goals, should be what are dreams are made of, not our daily doldrums!