Make It A Great Day
Mar 05

Arising out of the new order of cellular device domination over business and sales comes the new order of Salutations for ending phone messages. “Good-bye”, was replaced by, “Have A Great Day.” “Have A Great Day”, has been replaced by the new and harder to interpret, “Make It A Great Day,” which oft times comes off more as a work order than a good-bye salutation. Also implied in the salutation, “Make It A Great Day”, is that the the listener might not be working hard enough to make it a great day. That somehow the listener needs to be reminded by the saluter to pick it up a bit, and make it a better day, or that we listeners are letting down somehow and not doing enough to make it a great day! In that way the salutation often comes off as condescending or like a whispered warning.
Also subtly implied in the in the salutation, “Make It A Great Day”, is the No Talk Rule, or No Think Rule, that often exists in business, that put in plain terms means, Ignore Everything And Make It Happen.
Well, who can argue with that? Although Uncle Billy thinks a better ending salutation using this thought process would be, “Shut-Up And Make It A Great Day!”, or, “Quit Your Whining and Make It A Great Day.” Or even better yet, “Get Off Your Butt And Make It A Great Day You Depressing Lazy Bum!”
Be mindful that your phone salutation is the first impression of you that your new customer will have if you miss their call and their call rolls to your message system. Be careful that that your phone message respresents you well, as you may never get a second chance at the caller if they don’t relate to your message or it’s tone. Remember what they say in Rocket Science, “It’s the little things!”
Let Uncle Billy know what you think about the new order of salutations, and while you are at it, “Make It A Great Day!”
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