I Want To Make More Money
Mar 05

Let’s get real…you need to make more money! I don’t care if you are Donald “You’re Fired” Trump, P-Diddy, Bill Moyer, Willie Nelson, or Barack Obama…you want to make more dough, because we always need more coin no matter who we are or where we are at in life. It’s time to stop day dreaming about it and formulate a plan to get there! It ain’t funny, you need more money! That’s a fact, Jack! You need plenty of Green to make the Scene! Life is serene with a Mountain of Green! Let’s get ready and go to make ourselves some dough!
The quickest way to make more money in life is to get into a Sales job! Steady nine to five jobs, with steady nine to five pay cycles, won’t cut the cheese when you want to increase your pay dramatically. Only in Sales can we work harder, make more calls, work more hours, close more deals, and give our selves a real Raise! It’s a Great Leap, up the steep slope of Sales Risk, and you have to become an agile Sales Goat to succeed. You will need to secure your footing so you can climb to fabulous new heights…but you can do it!
So let’s take the leap of faith and jump to straight commission, but let’s do it wisely and with great care. In the mortgage world we often would come across folks working in the consumer bank and we would know they could make tons more money, with their sales skills, if they came into straight commission mortgage sales. We would encourage them but more often than not they would respond, “I am too worried about my obligations! I would be too nervous to go on straight commission!” Then finally, and usually because something drastic would happen to them, like their positions would be terminated in toto by the bank, they started looking at straight sales. Only because they were forced to, they would move over to mortgage sales as a last resort. Years later we would run into them, now full on Mortgage Sales Goats, and making more money in Straight Sales than they ever dreamed of in their old job. “I only wish I would have moved sooner!” They always say, “But I was afraid of straight commission.” I always ask, “Are you afraid of straight commission now?” They always respond, “Are you kidding? I love it! I’m making more Money now than I ever imagined I could! I love working on straight commission! I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just didn’t know then what I know now!”
That’s the hard choice, that only you can make, for Sales Goats and future Sales Goats. The less risk you entertain in the workplace, the less reward you will receive. The steady job with the steady pay, or the commission job with it’s high risk and high reward. However, once you figure out that straight commission is your friend and not your enemy, something to be embraced, and not feared, you can make the jump into straight sales and gain the rewards! You will learn the sheer joy of, Giving Yourself A Raise!
Let Uncle Billy know where you are in the process. Have you made the Great Leap to Straight Commission? Or are you still just dreaming about it? What can we do to help you give yourself a Raise?