How To Sell Yourself On Follow-Up
Feb 21

Some Sales Goats have a hard time selling themselves on the kind of Follow Up behaviors that will enhance their Sales Strategy and Goal success. Usually this is because developing the right follow up behaviors in a sales enviornment takes hard work and effort to accomplish, and often some time before the follow up practices bare fruit. However, and make no mistake about it, good follow up skills are the best asset a Sales Goats can add to their toolkit after world class presentation skills.
Follow up is all about communication. In mortgage sales the primary reason Realtors complain about mortgage loan officers is because of a lack of follow up. Good follow up is all about solid communication skills and keeping the buyer and realtor informed. If you want to become a great Mortgage Sales Goat pick up the phone and tell the listing agent and the selling realtor what is going on, right after you update the buyer.
Ask Dr. Billy about the five keys to Following Up!